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Lauksaimniecības zemes tirgus regulācija ES dalībvalstīs (ENG)

Lauksaimniecības zemes tirgus regulācija ES dalībvalstīs (ENG)

Norises datums
Eiropas zemes īpašnieku organizācija (ELO), Eiropas Komisija (EC)
Politika un normatīvais regulējums

Eiropas zemes īpašnieku organizācija (ELO) organizēja starptautisku semināru angļu valodā par lauksaimniecības zemes tirgus regulāciju ES dalībvalstīs.


Semināra dienas kārtība angļu valodā:

Motivation, challenges, and expectations for the 2020-21 JRC study on “Land market regulations in the EU Member States”.

10:00-10:03 Opening and housekeeping rules by Jurgen Tack, ELO Scientific Director

10:03-10:10 Welcome address by Thierry de l’Escaille, ELO Secretary General

10:10-10:25 Motivation, challenges and expectations for the 2020-21 JRC study on “Agricultural land market regulations in the EU Member States”, by Pavel Ciaian (JRC, EC)

10:25-11:05 Presentation of the study by the authors (40 min): “Agricultural land market regulations in the EU Member States”, by Liesbet Vranken (KU Leuven) and Ewa Tabeau- Kowalska (WEcR)

11:05-11:15 Comments by discussant: Ricard Ramon i Sumoy (DG AGRI)

11:15-11:45 Round Table discussion, moderated by Jurgen Tack, ELO (30 min): Topics: (1) New MS vs. Old MS, (2) Liberal vs. Restrictive Approaches, (3) National Laws vs. 4 EU Freedoms, and (4) Next Steps

11:45-12:00 QA with the audience, moderated by Jurgen Tack, ELO (15 min)

12:00 Closing